This upcoming weekend is a busy one at Saint Stanislaus Kostka as we celebrate the gift of life and those who work to protect it.
Living Donor Awareness
Parishioner Bart Rauluk is in need of a liver transplant as a result of a medication that had a very bad side effect on him. He is looking for a live donor that is willing to give a portion of their liver to transplant in him. A representative from UPMC Transplant Services will speak briefly at all the Masses about the living donor process.
Blood Donation Drive
From 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 9th we will be hosting a blood drive in the parish house. Consider sharing the gift of life with those in need. You can sign up by CLICKING HEREor by calling 1-877-25VITAL.
Blue Mass for First Responders
Join us for the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, February 9th as we give thanks and ask God’s protection for all first responders in our Pittsburgh community who work hard each day to keep us healthy and safe. We will gather in prayer together at Mass and share in fellowship and refreshments after.